
Showing posts from August, 2010

Don't Quote Me On This But...

Have you ever heard/read the quote saying implying that those who rely on quotes lack inspiration or the creativity to think for yourself?  I can't remember exactly how it goes and I'm too sleepy to Google to find it.   Anyhow, everytime I 'hear' this quote, I tend to chuckle as I'm a BIG relier on quotes and I find them very inspiring. Today I was browsing some of the local home decor stores for wall art (my kitchen is now painted and all that's left in our reno project is a few baseboards and the transition piece at the stairs.  It only took all summer but it's looking good!  Thanks, baby!)  Anyhow, HomeSense and Winners had slim pickings, a few hopefuls but nothing that struck me enough to buy and Pier1 is just a scary store to go into with 2 rambunctious monkeys.  The couple things I saw were pretty close to what I was looking for but way out of budget. This disappointment led me to browse Etsy, which I haven't done in some time. The category I...