
Showing posts from August, 2012

Question Everything

Anyone who knows me, even just a little, knows how much to read.  In general, I'm particularly fond of light, easy-reading, happy-ending, love and romance fluff.   Definitely not stimulating or thought provoking, but a quick escape from reality that doesn't require intense concentration.   I don't have particularly high standards when it comes to author or content.  I don't have high expectations that I'll get something out of a quick read.   I want entertainment, pure and simple.  If it's boring or requires undivided attention, it gets re-shelved very quickly. All of that said, once in a while I'm struck by a paragraph, line or even general message that a light & fluffy book can bestow.  I just finished reading "The Briton" by Catherine Palmer .   She's a Christian author who doesn't get "preachy" and this particular book is my favourite genre:  historical romance.   It was a predictable, not-too-deep fiction and I could ...

A Steadfast Hope

I'm the first to admit we tend to slack off in the church department.  I don't think this is a reflection of my faith - my beliefs, the ones that are solid and unshakeable, remain the same.  As I've matured, I've learned to question for myself and I don't take everything at face value.  This has changed the face of my faith but not the core of my beliefs. All that said, our weekends get busy and more oft than not, our Sunday mornings are lazy.  We don't make the effort to get to church.  Besides, who wants to be a quartet of cranky people in a service that's supposed to be a reflection of praise and happiness?  It's hard to get in the spirit of things when you just spent 2 hours fighting to get out the door. But....on occasion, we actually do make it (relatively on time) without any bloodshed.  After participating in a summer kids' program, faces are more familiar and it feels like a comfortable place to be.  We've found a welcoming, warm heart...

Tick, Tock

The summer is flying by.  In just over two weeks, the monkeys return to school and we have a whole list of things on our summer bucket list that we haven't even attempted yet. Now comes the mad dash to cram it all in before the big Back To School.  On one hand, I can't wait - it's hard to tackle my own projects while entertaining the troops.  On the other hand, I enjoy our lazy mornings and watching their excitement over silly things like pet rocks, movie marathons, and hunting for grasshoppers.  Time is running out and we have to make the most of summer days remaining.

A {CRATE} Idea!

It is now the second day of August.  This is not a revelation for most of you.  For those who get behind the whole Christmas-in-July thing, it's a frightening enlightenment.  Particularly if you seem to have skipped through the entire month of July with nary a thought of Christmas.   On occasion, a fleeting glimmer of *something* would flutter through my brain and I had the best intentions of getting the ball rolling on the home-made, heartfelt Christmas wagon.   That *something* seems to have fluttered in on a wisp of nothingness and floated back out the same way.  At least I have 4 months to pull in some ideas and execute some last minute late night creative sessions. When I am organized, I can start thinking holiday mode before Christmas has even passed the previous year.   I'm just that crazy.  Not so this year - with the packing, and the move, and the settling in, and establishing new routines, and making new friends, the first half of th...

Day-Cation: Part II

It's almost as good as the tropics!  I'm finishing a sun-drenched afternoon with a {yummy!} banana daquiri.  It's not quite a pina colada on the beach but it hits the spot! Banana Daquiri, The Oasis Girl, Cobourg


We aren't taking holidays this summer but have instead opted to enjoy daytrips. With a little imagination and a very small budget we're able to explore local destinations and still get out of the everyday mundane.   I like to think of them as day-cations - little escapes without the big ticket price and I get to sleep in my own bed at night.  We might just be sitting on the shore of Lake Ontario today but in my mind I'm feeling ocean breezes, lying on a white sandy beach with the scent of saltwater in the air. All I'm missing is the Pina Colada Beach Boys at Victoria Beach Park, Cobourg.