Midnight Ramblings

I am sitting in a VERY uncomfortable chair bedside in the ER with Justin. The croup monster struck again... We've been treated and x-rayed and now we're patiently waiting under observation to make sure everything is good. The doctors have warned it will be a very long night. These chairs should have more cushion - it's not like anyone using them would want to plant themselves here long term. I've been browsing Pinterest, surfing old bookmarks, and seriously wondering why I left my Kobo at home. (I was lucky to make it out of the house in real clothes.) This fun link (ok probably not fun... but it's late/early and my entertainment threshold is very low....) anyhow it's about making smart choices with ice caps. http://www.livestrong.com/article/355579-tim-horton-ice-cap-nutrition-information/ Ice caps? Healthy? Probably not... but she breaks it down so you know exactly what you're getting and what it means. I'm switching to chocolate milk...