
So, uh, has anyone else noticed I haven't posted anything in 5 months? Funny how things slip to the side.... Today we are midway through our summer break and enjoying 12 degree weather. I'm wearing pants and a hoodie and not bemoaning the lack of air conditioning at all. (On those 30 plus days, you could live in another province and hear me bemoaning profusely as I melt into a puddle on the floor.) In between scrubbing toilets, painting signs, and folding laundry, I've been cuddling up on the couch with a blanket and some sweetheart cowboys. I've also been half-heartedly planning a grocery list and maybe giving dinner some thought. Thoughts of food make me think of the garden.... and without the sweltering sun, it's actually pleasant to go out and putter. I love seeing the results of my early labour. I love being able to grab what I need with a quick pop outside the door. Am I crazy about pulling thistles or finding a big fat...