Pre-Christmas Wrap-Up... we've survived and we're a little bit humbler.
We have survived the pre-Christmas chaos. Other than forgetting to buy bacon for Christmas morning (how could I forget the bacon?!?), we are wrapped, ready, and feeling relieved! I'm also waiting for Amazon in conjunction with CanadaPost to do their thing - one last little gift that slipped my mind and is headed to our doorstep (guaranteed delivery by 8 pm tomorrow - nothing like last minute.) The boys are on Christmas break. All my Wisdom & Whimsy orders have been picked up or delivered. Toy and food drive contributions have been dropped off. Outstanding clerical duties have been tied up (I hope!) We skipped one big family get-together to take advantage of a much-needed early night on Friday. Saturday we visited with our in-town relatives on Kevin's side to exchange gifts with the kids and talk with the adults. Sunday found us hosting my side of the family with so many smiles and giggles and yummy goodies (great turkey, Mom, and the potat...