Choosing to Be Humbly Grateful

I hate to admit this, but my gratitude attitude is hit and miss. I'm basically happy for all the norm - roof over my head, food for our tummies, a bed to cuddle in... but it's not always a conscious thing. Just is and while I appreciate things, it's easy to dismiss them when that roof has a leak, or my cupboard looks empty and I have to wait for payday, or that mattress is lumpy and someone keeps stealing the covers at night. I feel a bit like Goldilocks - I could be satisfied, but sometimes it's easy to want everything "just right." Life doesn't go that way though. And as we approach Thanksgiving, I'm reminded that 1) I should be grateful all year round - counting my blessings on a daily basis... and 2) I need to step up this gratitude game and stop complaining so much. So here is a list of some very specific things I'm grateful for in no order of importance: - A child who treasures the importance of choosing friends wisely. We sp...