
Showing posts from May, 2018

Wow, God.

Last year, I was a first-time VBS director at our church.  I've volunteered at VBS before;  I've been an attendee at VBS before; but I'd never been the one in charge.  It was beautiful, frightening, touching, exciting, wonderful, and overwhelming.   There's nothing like having a child who is not your own, nor obligated, to throw their sweaty little arms around you in appreciation with a toothless grin and say thank you then tell you all the favourite things they did during the week. Anytime we were reminded of the ways God works through the ordinary, learning to see Him in the special and in the every day, we were reminded to say "Wow, God!" This year, I'm a second-time VBS director.  While no less overwhelming, some of the panic is missing this year (but that could just be denial that we are only 7 weeks away...)  However much I am looking forward to VBS (honestly, it's the highlight of my summer) amidst the chaos of the rest of my life (see previ...

Being Present...

If you know me, you know that I'm a wife and mother first and foremost.   Kevin & I will be celebrating 14 years of marriage in less than a month.   These days don't look a thing like our newlywed years and being present is a conscious decision I have to make.  It's easy to veg on the couch when the bustle of the day has finally died down and I get 5 minutes to myself, to tune out everyone and everything else and just be... but that often comes back to bite me in the bottom as I realise I've heard our conversations, but wasn't actually there for them.  The words entered my ear canal, and then dissipated into nothingness as I didn't actively listen and engage, only to have him say "Well, I told you...." while I look at him cluelessly not recalling a thing.  Hands up if you hear me! I'm finding as the boys grow older and more independent, it's been easy to get so busy that I'm not "there" for them as much.  The younger one has...