Little Things That Feed My Soul
Do you ever stop to actually think about the things that feed your soul? These are the things or moments that make you stop, pause, and breathe. They will most likely be as unique as you are, though I'm sure many of us have many of the same items on our lists - the random minutiae that bring you a moment of peace, a spot of joy, or a bit of encouragement or life to your day. I'm also sure that you'll never be able to list all the things that refresh you as many little moments pass us by and we don't even realise that we've been uplifted for the moment. These are some of the little things that are like a breath of fresh air in an otherwise busy life - for me! (Listed in no particular order.) a butterfly on a wildflower escaping in a book a great cup of tea a cool iced latte doggy dreams (our beast howls so forlornly as he chases rabbits - it's adorable) laughter around the dinner table a {gentle} hike through the woods sitting quietly beside a bod...