Enjoy The View

I am a firm believer in routines, schedules, to-do lists, plans, and organization. It keeps me sane and helps me manage my natural chaos. I feel like those who have creative bents tend to need structure to be productive in tasks that might otherwise seem mundane. Who wants to fold laundry when there's a book of beautiful words to get lost in? Who wants to make a grocery list when there's paint to apply to a canvas? I haven't given this much thoughtful study, so perhaps it's just me - but I know in my own personal experience, I stress less when I have a system in place. Those lists and routines keep me going. I tend to have so much running in and out and through my mind at any given moment that a pen to paper approach (or finger to keyboard) help me stay on track. I've discussed my need for meal plans ad nauseam (or to the point that it may make you wish to vomit - that's not dramatic at all.) However, there are times when ...