Looking Back, Planning Ahead, and Being Present

I'm not big on resolutions (mostly because I am acutely aware that my staying power is laughable - good intentions and all that.) However, I feel like I am in a constant state of assessment - what can I drop? Where can I improve? Why did I do that? As this year comes to a close, I'm not sure I actually changed much at all over the last twelve months. I know in some ways I've matured (impressive at 37 years of age!) I know I've also found myself frustrated. I've been craving change. I've been dreaming. I wonder about the next ten years. I've tried to make small changes to improve things that I have control of. Some days I've completely lost control of everything... hello, out of control spiral! In the next year, without making actual resolution declarations, these are the reflections I'd like to embrace. Simplify. Life, home, habits. Just stop overthinking, overdoing, and indulging in over-consumerism. Find ...