Makin' A List....

...and checking it twice. Wondering if this makes me naughty, nice or simply crazy? Christmas 2011 gift and crafting extravaganza planning has begun. I haven't even finished my shopping or creations for 2010 but as I Google (or Yahoo search to earn my Airmiles!) yet another query, I'm motivated by all the great ideas I'm finding.

One search result will bring me up pages of neat ideas and then of course, I have to browse each page, seller, etc. and come up with even more great ideas. Here are some of my think-I-have-to-try ideas for Holiday Season '11! (Spoiler alert: if you are one of my regular holiday gift recipients, please try to contain your excitement for the actual occasion. You have 12+ months to perfect that look of awed amazement!)

From Little Birdie Secrets: (one of my new favourite blogs!)

Easy Photo Blocks & Tiles

Christmas Countdown Blocks

From that legendary domestic diva, Martha Stewart, here are some good things:

I’ve seen a number of these simple yet lovely ribbon wreaths on various sites but Canadian Living offers easy instructions.  I found my original inspiration in the Stampin’ Up 2010-2011 Idea Book & Catalogue.

Following the chain reaction of ideas spurning ideas, when I searched for an image of the Stampin' Up wreath, I found another great wreath project I'd like to keep for me.   

This may be just the project to kick off a crafting new year... I love it!
(Hint:  search for Stampin' Up and any number of queries in Google and you'll find a ton of ideas to tweak - thanks, ladies!)

These are just some of my creative giving plans.  (I've been fighting with images, text, formatting and a computer that keeps freezing for hours to get this post finished... so I'm not sharing the rest!)  Maybe I'll find myself organized enough to devise a schedule of sorts to keep me crafting for Christmas throughout the whole year.   Keep sharing your ideas too - you know how much I love them!


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