Wishlist Wednesday: Kitchen Comforts

So today's post is a day late.... (a buck short and now I have a song stuck in my head!)   Yesterday just got away from me and I didn't have much time to relax.  I had a bunch of friends over for tea this morning/afternoon and I always feel obligated to give the house a more-thorough clean than my usual midweek clean for some reason.  Craziness when I look at what 6 kids managed to do in that short 1 hour post-school this afternoon... sigh!  

Anyhow, here are some of the things I've been wishing for when it comes to outfitting my kitchen:

  1. Cuisinart Single Serve Brewing System - I want to replace my first edition Tassimo which we never use and I love the features of this system, including the My K Cup feature and the great selection of flavoured K-Cups available.
  2. Hanging Pot Rack - I don't necessarily want this particular one but the idea of a pot rack always intrigues me, especially when I'm banging around in my overfilled cupboards.  I'd like a nice pot set to replace my well-used Pampered Chef set too!  (PS:  Did you know there are entire websites like this deciated to pot racks?!?)
  3. One Touch Can Opener - I had this can opener.  I loved this can opener.  I dropped this can opener one too many times and it broke.  It got stuck on a can and in my infinite wisdom I tried to wrench it off and sliced open my fingers.  Ouch!  That was a few weeks ago and everytime I have to use my old fashioned twisty opener, I want my One Touch back! (Despite my mishap above, it leaves no sharp edges anywhere - great for accident prone me!)
  4. Epicure Selections Turquoise Baker - I've wanted this baker since I first saw it in the catalogue.  I love the colour and how practical it is.  Do I need it?  Not a chance... but the 20cm./4 cup baker is on sale so I might just cave.
  5. Breadmaker - Ok, funny story, I've had a breadmaker on my wishlist for years.  I love the smell and taste of fresh baked, homemade bread but I suck at the whole patience and kneading thing.  Kevin bought me a breadmaker the Christmas before last.  I returned it - it was an overbudget gift and for some reason I just wasn't all that fond of a gift that meant 'work' for me.  (You know they'd want fresh bread every day!) I'm kicking myself for not keeping it.  I haven't done much research on them lately, but I liked the features of this Cuisinart model.  One day, I say, one day.
What kitchen gadgets, tools, appliances or solutions are you craving?  Everyone has to have a kitchen fave - feel free to share!


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