3 Weeks

That's how long we have to wait before we start our California adventure. In just 21 days we'll be boarding a plane bound for Vegas, driving through the desert and beginning our 9 day adventure in the Palm Springs area.

The boys have started counting down and as the big day gets closer, they get more excited. This morning I overheard Kaleb telling his friends about our trip. Friend responds that he wants to go. Kaleb laughs at him and says, "but it's a wedding. Why do you want to go to a wedding? You have to watch people kiiiissssiiing!".


  1. oh that's cute! Made his Papa and Oma chuckle!

  2. I'm sure he'll tolerate a few 'kisses' in order to enjoy the rest of his 'adventure'! ... and by the way, the first comment isn't really "anonymous"!

  3. so cute :) I love what kids say !! lol


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