This weekend was one of those weekends that just called for enjoyment instead of productivity. Here is a breakdown of our not-quite perfect weekend:
1) Make it a long one. I had Friday off. Kevin did not so we were all up and ready before 6:45 so we could make use of the car. I took advantage of having Friday off to do some running around and starting some projects (or mis-starting some projects) and we went out for dinner & ice cream
(not on the meal plan -gasp!) after picking up Kevin after work.
2) Make it fun! Okay, so my definition of fun and the boys definition of fun greatly differs. I was quite happy browsing Michaels and looking at paint in Home Depot. The boys were not. After dropping off Kevin, we had an early breakfast at McDonalds complete with playtime. Then mommy did her running around and we stopped by the Farmers' Market (woohoo fresh Ontario produce!) We all agree that the Farmers Market is fun but to make up for the errand-running we also stopped by a local splash pad...and then it rained.
3) Make it social. Saturday we had birthday parties! We were up early (for a Saturday). The boys woke up at the crack of stupid (before 6:30 am) and didn't let us sleep much past 7:30. We didn't rush out of the house but we had enough time to spare to take the backroads, stop for some fresh butter tarts & cookies at a local orchard/golf course, stop in for a visit with Oma and head up to Barrie to celebrate our nephews' (cousins') birthdays. Fun times had by all!
Present Time! |
Expert Slip-n-Slider |
Cousins Wrestling -
An Essential Part of Any Good Visit |
After enjoying all the necessary birthday party essentials - cake, presents, water play - as well as enjoying all the cuddles with the princess we could get, we did another (yikes!) meal out with the boys. Then back to Oma's and hop-skip-across the yard to visit with Pake, Beppe, and many of the extended family for Pake's 78th (?) birthday.
4) Make it memorable. After a busy day in the sun (& rain), take the backroads home. Oh, but first, let's keep the doors to the car open and invite in many, many mosquitoes. Then let's listen to the boys SOB for 30 minutes about said mosquitoes... and how they will poison them. Such drama! If I had a camcorder handy, I would share how delightfully (snort!) amusing that first stretch of the drive home was. Hehehe... I would save such video if it existed for blackmail purposes when they are older.
5) Make a mistake. We took advantage of the plan-free Sunday and drove... with no particular destination. We just headed east. Then we thought, "Hmmm....maybe we should actually stop somewhere. Free. That will be fun for the boys." So I suggested we visit the Big Apple (where I have been before and thought was not-so-fun but I saw was tauted online as having lots of fun stuff to do - petting zoo, mini-golf, nature trail - none of which were actually in anyway as described. Boo!) After a few minutes at said Big Apple, Kaleb remarks, "I thought you said we were going somewhere fun!" Smart-a$$!
6) Make a detour. So after the bust of the Big Apple, we headed west again thinking we'd find a lakefront beach or park to stop along the way home. We detoured first and stopped at a lilac farm & gift shop. It had such promise, such potential... but it was not as wonderful as we thought it might be. I found some yummy baby body wash though. I love lavender. Repeat above-mentioned smart-alec comments from Kaleb.
7) Make it to the beach. Finally, we made it to Victoria Beach in Cobourg. The weather was perfectly sunny. The beach was amazingly busy. The boys had a blast and mommy's misrouting is forgiven. Sun, sand, Lake Ontario, splash pads, playgrounds, pure summer fun! Sleepy boys, early bedtime, and a lazy, rainy Monday.
I can pump now, Mommy |
Look at me! |
Oh, no! It's "fast" sand. |
It's cold. |
Amazing daddy, awesome husband! |
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