Stocking Stuffers: The Book Worm

There are only 5 days left until Christmas, 4 shopping days, and a whole lotta last minute shopping procrastinators!   I would like to say that I'm done, but unfortunately, I have to exchange one item, pick up something for my grandparents who have no room for anything else (suggestions?!) and a quick trip to the dollar store for tool boxes, screws and nails for the monkeys who have requested their very own tools for Christmas after participating in a Home Depot kids' workshop. 

I don't want to shop - I'd rather stay home and read.  I am a self-professed word-nerd bookworm. I love nothing better than a yummy drink, great book, comfy blanket, some quite time and a little chance to escape the chaos of modern-day existance.   It's a cheap form of entertainment and I don't have to look pretty to enjoy it.    Everyone knows a bookworm, an occasional reader,  or perhaps someone who should just give a book a try to exercise their brain a little!   Here are some suggestions for the bookworm's stocking, also perfect as a small gift for a friend this holiday season:

1) The Book of (Holiday) Awesome by Neil Pascha, $12.62 .

Available at Chapters and most other bookstores.  I think I may have seen in at some department stores and Shoppers Drug Mart as well

2) A Charming Bookmark

I first saw this idea on Pinterest and loved it!   It's one of my 2012 projects that must get done!   Full instructions on the link - they just need ribbon, ribbon clamps, charms, and jump rings - for a few dollars each and a quick trip to the craft store (or use items on hand), you've got a pretty, thoughtful gift.  If you're not the crafty sort, you can find charming and unique bookmarks at bookstores, gift boutiques, and Etsy!

3) Starbucks Hot Cocoa Trio, $6.97

This trio includes 9 sachets of your favourite Starbucks cocoas - double chocolate, salted caramel, and peppermint.  Any good bookworm knows the reading is always better with a hot drink in hand!

4) Personalized Bookplates

Ensure a treasured book always finds it's way home while ? a time-honored library tradition.  Martha Stewart offers a suggestion on DIY stamped bookplates, but you can also check Etsy, print shops (like Staples or even Vistaprint), or print your own if you have the inclination.   I designed a set of these for myself and had them printed through Kemik Labels (that's my hubby's family business.)  They make a unique but thoughtful gift!

5) Chapters Indigo Gift Card

I know many people feel gift cards are thoughtless... but I disagree!  Most times, when I receive a gift card  (for a store I love!), I get excited - because I can shop and splurge on those *wants* without worrying about what I *need*.    The Chapters Indigo gift card is a great idea because you choose the denomination and the recipient can use instore (Indigo, Chapters or Coles or online - at Chapters (books & merchandise) or even better, on the Kobo website for digital reading - yay ebooks!  Did you also know, if you're really crunched for time, you can also buy eBooks or store credit on the Kobo website and *gift* them to someone via email? ? 

I still have at least 2 more stocking stuffer suggestion guides to go - kitchen and kid related - and we'll see what else we come up with before time runs out.   In the meantime, get that shopping done, wrap those gifts, and take some time to relax and reflect - it's not the gifts that matter!  It's the thought, the love, the memories that go into each and every bow that's untied.


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