Kitchen Dreams

There are some fabulous home & decor stores out there with even more fabulous websites with extra, extra fabulous catalogue rooms and crazy ridiculous price tags! Pier 1, Crate & Barrel, Pottery Barn... and one of my favourites, Ballard Designs. Besides the inspiration I find in magazines, Pinterest, and through some talented bloggers I follow, I could spend hours drooling over browsing the websites of these non-budget-friendly outlets while looking for ideas for our home... all the while hoping I can pull off a similar look without breaking the bank. That little voice inside my head is always niggling away with thoughts like "I wonder if I could do that for cheaper..." or "That would be easy to do myself..." This is our current dining nook. For our living space, we have one big open concept room off the deck (which we use as our main entrance). The room includes our living/tv room and eat-in kitchen, both of which need some serious upda...