
Showing posts from July, 2013

Farm Fresh Produce: Community Supproted Agriculture

Last week, I impulsively decided that a CSA Farm Share program was a great idea for our family.  I say "impulsively" because I stumbled upon the concept through one of the local farms while looking up U-pick berry info.  I then posted a question in regards to CSA programs on Facebook, and one of my friends replied that her parent's farm (also local) was just starting up a program.  It's a $400 investment with a weekly full-share - enough veggies for a family of four - over a harvest season of 20 weeks.  At $20/week for fresh colourful veggies and fruit, I thought it would be worth it and just sub for what we need at the local farmer's market and grocery store... and in minutes decided we should give it a go. Thus our jump in feet first adventure in CSA Farm Shares.  We're buying our produce from F&M Farm  in Columbus (N. Oshawa) and Kevin picked up our first "basket" today. Is it not a beautiful bounty of goodness?!?  We've got beets, zucc...

Another Side Project

Because I don't have enough to do... I've decided to write a secondary blog.  On books.  Just books.  All things books.  It will probably actually be updated a million times more often than this one. Check it out: I promise I'll add an update to this blog this week.  Maybe... after we sign the boys up for the summer reading program at the library, after I get 3 orders completed, after I clean the house, after I hit the Peterborough Zoo with my mother-in-law, and after all that regular stuff that fills up a week. P.S.  Anyone here eat beets?  What's the best way to serve them?  Let me know!