Another Side Project

Because I don't have enough to do...

I've decided to write a secondary blog.  On books.  Just books.  All things books.  It will probably actually be updated a million times more often than this one.

Check it out:

I promise I'll add an update to this blog this week.  Maybe... after we sign the boys up for the summer reading program at the library, after I get 3 orders completed, after I clean the house, after I hit the Peterborough Zoo with my mother-in-law, and after all that regular stuff that fills up a week.

P.S.  Anyone here eat beets?  What's the best way to serve them?  Let me know!


  1. cooked beets, grated, served with butter, S&P is how I like them or another favourite is harvard beets.....with a vinegary sauce. Pickled beets are really tasty too.....yum...beets.


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