Civic Holiday

IThe oldest monkey asks "Mommy what is today's holiday all about?"  Hmmm... I'm not really sure.  It's a holiday just for a break."  My less-than-knowledgable answer works for him and we declare it a lazy day!

We searched for close-to-home and inexpensive activities, but nothing really struck a chord.  We lazed in our pj's until early afternoon and then headed into town.

I absolutely love "downtown" Port Perry.  The shops are quaint, the people are friendly, and it's easy to find Kawartha Dairy!  The kids don't mind walking around as long as our loop finishes at Palmer Park.  They take advantage of the playground, we check out the lake, and when the weather cooperates, they can romp in the splashpad.

Today, as we reached our wandering limit, we opted to eat out in celebration of Kev's birthday.  1 vote pizza, 1 vote Thai food, 1 vote Mexican and one indifferent - mom's vote won today because we managed to convince the pizza vote to switch.

Now we're patiently awaiting our meals with a margarita, Dos Equis and two Sprites for the kids.  I love that my guys are adventurous enough to try something new... even if it's a little spicy for my dutch boy's bland tastes.


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