A Quiet Moment With A Traditional Cup Of Cocoa

Sounds relaxing, doesn't it?   Well let me tell you, it wasn't!  Selecting paint colours stresses me out.  I don't know why.  Maybe because I have no eye for decor and HATE the painting process - so whatever I choose, I'm stuck with until it's so bad I can't live with it anymore.   (Helloooo?!? 6 years in a 7 year old house and we still have builder white on the walls!)

Friday night we thought we'd get a start on our remodel beginning with a trip to Home Depot.  Usually I love browsing at Home Depot but Friday night we had two cranky kids with us who didn't want to sit still and then, after multiple trips to the bathroom, Mommy had enough, Daddy had enough and all we did was pick out our paint and supplies.     After all the suggestions on my Facebook note query, we opted for "A Quiet Moment" for the kitchen, with "Traditional" as our accent wall and "Cup of Cocoa" as our main colour throughout.    It sounds peaceful... maybe some of it will transcend into our daily lives!   Altogether, it reminds me of one of those winning scratch Crossword cards.... so maybe we'll win with this combination?  (I tried for chocolate cupcake instead of traditional but Kev just wasn't buying it...)

They don't quite look the same on the screen... which was a whole other frustration.  I  *knew* that colours on screen will not be the same as the chip in store but I spent quite a bit of time selecting a whole other pallette online and got to HD only to decide I didn't like it after all and couldn't find any equivalents that made me happy.

Saturday we started Phase 1: Deconstruction.   The carpets (eww!) and underpads made it out.  We pried off all the baseboards and decided they weren't worth salvaging.   Spent a lot of time trying to contain dust and cleaning up debris.   Forgot to feed the kids (Mommy, we're really hungry!).  We decided to call it a day.   The boys were cranky after being brushed aside and told repeatedly to stop throwing toys across the floor.    We took them out for dinner and bought a little bit of happiness at the local Kinsmen carnival.  Kaleb is a little ride junky! 

Sunday, we finished some of the tidying and then patched the gazillion holes and dents in the wall.  Yikes!   That also required a lot of furniture shuffling.  It's amazing how over-optimistic I am when it comes to these things.   3 days later and the kids leave slippers or shoes on in the house, half the patches have been sanded down, and a coat of paint has yet to hit the walls.

On the plus side, it looks like we're making progress (or a big mess)... and we only fought two or three times!  (Kevin is a patient, patient man ♥)

How would you finish the fireplace - painted white wood trim or a rough stone?


  1. oh my goodness, you have done alot so far.
    Just keep your eye on the prize!

  2. Looks great Lindsey! and you'll get a huge part finished this weekend. I love the colors! and I must say for the fireplace I'm partial to stone.. But I think White would look equally nice. Can't wait to see the next photos!

  3. Linds, if you haven't already - do the fireplace in the small tile (they come in the stick on type squares) neutral tone. That would look nice. Anything but painting it really...

  4. Stone- I love anything Nature, and that's what we have is stone :) There are a ton to choose from.


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