Time Wasters, Fat Burning and Design Dilemmas

Who knew?!? Apparently Diana Ross is associated with the Supremes... not the Temptations.  I don't know my Motown but am finding Family Feud on Facebook (one of my new time-wasters) a great tool to point out that I:
a) don't think like the general population
b) am clueless when it comes to, well... alot of things!

My other new time-waster is the NY Times Crossword app for my iPhone.  Love it.  Also a big huge fan of Yahtzee (iPhone), Word Whomp (Pogo), and Bejewelled (Facebook & iPhone).   Hmmm...too many distractions in this crazy life!

I have to say with this wonderful weather, I've been heading outdoors a little more often and my reading has fallen by the wayside.  Yikes!  I feel like I've lost a friend.... but that Mr. Sun is just so warm and welcoming, my fingers itch to get dirty and my legs just want to wander so those books aren't calling as loudly.   I'm sure once the summer heat arrives, I'll be lounging with a book in hand and enjoying the sun, but for now, the great outdoors are calling.

Now that we're down a vehicle, I find I'm taking advantage of the beautiful days and walking more - keeps me from going stir crazy when I'm home during the day.   Usually it's just a quick jaunt around the block - fresh air for Mommy, burns some energy for whichever of the monkeys are home with me and I feel good.   Today I thought I'd be a little more ambitious and extended my block - to major intersections rather than just around our neighbourhood.

I walked 4.5 kilometres (3.79 miles) in just over an hour - we got distracted by the sights and had a nice chat with a random lady.  Justin walked partway and hopped in the stroller - for most of the hills!  My legs are not used to some of the inclines and my hips are sore.  I haven't walked this route EVER and don't think I quite made 4.5 kms last spring/summer when I was walking somewhat regularly.   I'm not used to it yet but it was invigorating!  This may become a regular route for Justin-only days.   I got home and calculated the calories burned:  roughly 352.   Sad!   Although that's better than nothing, I was curious as to "what" it burned off:   a little more than a medium Tim's Iced Cap and a little less than a Starbucks Grande Caramel Frappucino with whip.  Thank goodness I'm not drinking those daily and no wonder I'm not losing weight!

On a side note, Justin loved the sights along the way.   We saw the usual:  dogs, squirrels and random birds but extra special, we saw a bluejay, a cardinal, a chipmunk and a tiny purple flower that randomly sprang up in the woods.    I also saw a few trees and flowers that I covet for my garden - is it a magnolia that has the large pretty pale pink blooms?  I love those! 

We bought our LAMINATE!   (It's not hardwood - sigh! - but we're hoping it holds up to the wear and tear of kids and the dog better.)  Our home renos will start this weekend, I think!   Yay for updating!   Fresh paint, new floors and less clutter will hopefully make a HUGE difference.    So now I have some design questions (because I have no eye whatsoever for decor!)

Which way would you lay the laminate?    When you walk in the front door, the entrance is tiled and you're facing west.   It's open into the "living room" (actually a dining room), with the carpeted stairs off the left, entrance to the kitchen beside the stairs and through the dining room is the wide doorway and half wall separating the "family room" (great room.) with the fireplace.   It's all very open concept.   The 2 rooms combined are about 17' x 30'.  It's only 17' at the widest points as our rooms all have peculiar angles.   Would you run the laminate wood the length of the two rooms (perpendicular to the tiled entrance, fireplace and two western windows beside the fireplace) or would you run it across, parallel to the fireplace, halfwall, tiled floor, etc?

Second, at the stairs would you butt the laminate planks right up against them?  Or would you leave a landing area?  If you left some carpet behind, how big an area?  The width (or slightly more) than the depth of a step or bring it out and angle to flow with the walls?  Like I said, we have a lot of odd angles in the house!

Thirdly, what colours would you paint my walls? I know, a personal choice... but I can't decide!  Especially because I don't have furniture for both rooms and it's not in the budget.   We'll be sticking to our blue set, moving the tv into the "living room", and tossing the ivory loveseats (not kid or dog friendly!)  I'm not sure what purpose the "family room" will then serve - but I'm sure it will become more of a playroom/kid-friendly zone.    Our kitchen cabinets are light (maple), our counters are a mixed brown, and the hardwood is darker with a red undertone.   Decisions, decisions.

I'll post some pictures in a secondary post so you can get a visual :)  Ignore the mess - I didn't clean up first!


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