Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

Some days you just have to remind yourself to be happy.... when everything going on around you makes you feel anything but!   The last few days have been going like that... no one thing, but a bunch of little things, a tired mom (so sick of flu germs, cold viruses, and tummy bugs!), and the feeling like your at the end of your rope and it's slowly slipping through your fingers.   

I say we all just need some sun, some sand, some pina coladas.   But for now, I just keep trying to look at the little things making me smile.  Like the adorable things my kids say.  They make me laugh multiple times a day.   Like how much I love my Kobo eReader (using Adobe software not Kobo software) and the fact the library is not only now offering eBooks but has actually updated their selections so I don't have to wait weeks to check out a book.  Like a Starbucks grande white mocha peppermint frappucino.  (To keep the smile I try to avoid thinking about the carb and calorie factor in that last one!)  Like a hubby who takes care of me when I'm sick and makes me laugh all the time.  Seriously, some days I just want to wrap my arms around him and never let go.  Like my wonderful friends who love me despite my quirks and don't mind hanging out.   Birthday party at the casino last weekend (no winnings but it was a nice night out for Kevin & I.)  Mall & lunch for some much needed adult conversation.   Like getting fun mail (as opposed to a credit card bill!) - fun as in my Scrapbook.com order - when I get some energy back I'm going to tackle my first Kaisercraft star wreath.  Like dreaming of California... let the countdown begin!

This is one of the cards I was telling you about last week that I wasn't able to post.   I'm disappointed in the sparkle (the embossing glitter smudged and I was too 'ick' to care.)  The card itself is simple but cute I think.   Still can't post the others... but they're coming!

Another busy weekend ahead and then Kevin is gone for almost a week so I get to handle the homefront all by myself.   Tomorrow, we're heading to my parents to meet with my sister - the girls (as in my mom, my sister & I) will be shopping - hoping to find the elusive bridesmaid dresses and I'm not sure what the boys will be doing.   Then back to my parents' for some invitation creativity and hopefully some strategic planning and decision making.  I see a shower on the horizon.   Wish us luck on the gown hunt!


  1. hmmm didn't notice the "smudge"! :P lol It was my favorite card! sorry everyone else.


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