Five On Friday: Book Baby

Who knew it would be so hard to decide on a quick topic, list-format, when the choices are endless?  Do I highight my favourite teas?  Animated movies I could watch over and over and over again? Favourite baby girl names? List my pet peeves?  Least favourite foods? It was a difficult decision but I narrowed it down and am happy to present  today's Five On Friday:  Book Baby.

We love to give books as welcome-baby presents.  They say it's never too early to foster a love of reading and on the off chance that the new parents aren't big book people, well at least baby's library has something in it! 

Baby Books We Love to Give:

1.  Love You Forever - Robert Munsch 
2.  Guess How Much I Love You  - Sam McBratney
3.  Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? - Dr. Seuss
4.  Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes - Mem Fox
5.  I Love You:  A Keepsake Storybook Collection by Scholastic

This is by no means a definitive list.  I actually had a hard time narrowing it down to just five titles - we've been known to give others (like Princess Grace & The Little Lost Kitten - purchased at Chapters for my imminently arriving niece.)  Of course, we have many more favourites that we could share but if you're looking for a treasured gift that's a little different than the typical rattles or clothes, these are a good place to start.   Most are available in variety of formats including board book, gift editions, hardcover and paperback.   Browse the children's department at your local bookstore and you'll be sure to find some others that are perfect for the family you have in mind.

Here's a cute little side note on books.  I went to Chapters yesterday with Justin and spent quite a bit of time browsing the children's section together.   We picked up Mortimer by Robert Munsch and I've had my eye on the Adventure Bible Storybook and decided I might as well get it.

Last night before bed, I tucked in between the boys and we read the story of Creation from our new acquisition.  At the end of each story is a related memory verse - for this story, it is Genesis 1:1 - a verse we've attempted to memorise before.   As I'm getting the boys to repeat it after me, "In the beginning...", Kaleb jumps the gun and finishes with "God created the 'Kevins' and the earth."  So cute!


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