Wishlist Wednesday: Soul Seeking

So my week has not gone at all according to plan.   The boys picked up the sniffles (again!) somewhere, Kevin came home from work early on Monday - not because he loved me so much and just had to see me - nope, he came home with fever and chills.   *sigh*  (And, regretably, I was not a very nice wife nor happy camper with him...  as we - the boys and I - have all had multiple experiences with this bug since before Christmas and does Mommy get to tuck herself in for a sick day?   Not a chance... although I didn't have to do much for one half-day I had the stomach flu on a weekend last month.)  The daycare kids (and my own little monkeys) have been getting into squabbles and bouncing off the walls.  The dog has been extra-mischievous.  I've been a little morose or peevish.  I need to slap on my happy face and get over myself.  Easier said than done.

All of the above being said, here is my most recent wishlist- more abstract than tangible today.
  1. I wish we would make it through the remaining weeks of winter germ-free!  Seriously had enough of fighting one bug and squashing it to only have someone introduce a new one to the house.
  2. I wish I was more organized... or followed through on staying organized.  I'm good at starting a system but it always ends up as organized chaos. 
  3. I wish we had more date nights - just the two of us.  I feel like it's very easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and mundane.  It's easy to be tired, cranky and uninspired.  It's easy to forget how important it is to focus on the reasons we love each other and how special our relationship really is.
  4. I wish I took the time to document the monkeys' "firsts" better.  That ties into point number 2 a little.   I realise how much I forgot to commit to memory when I go to fill in their baby books or want to create a specific memory page for their scrapbooks.

    and my top wish after all this moody contemplating I've been doing would be:
  5. that my monkeys would have had a chance to know my Oma (my maternal grandmother).  She was such a sweet (but stern when necessary!) soul and I love her so much.  Today would have been her 91st birthday. 
Give a hug to those you love and take note of all the important moments you experience everyday.  Learn from your mistakes.  Choose to be happy!  Strive to be patient and kind!  Enjoy the rest of your week - we're half way to the weekend and for those of us in Ontario, it's a long one - woohoo!


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