The Elusive Free Weekend
I calculated to day that on average, I work 50 hours a week (without breaks - getting to the bathroom without hearing a little voice call my name is a wonder!) I'm not complaining as the decision to provide home daycare has, when everyone is happy and occupied, left me with flexibility to tackle little things around the house (or catch a chapter or two in my current read, waste time online, solve a crossword on my iPhone) but it means by the time my own kids go to bed (14 hours after rising!), I'm exhausted and my house is trashed! (I don't know how teachers survive their days... I'm surrounded with maybe a third of the number of kids they are at my busiest time of day and it's enough to pull my hair out - if the baby hasn't already done it for me!)
Which is why I love my all-too-rare girls nights with friends (even if it's just grabbing a smoothie at Dairy Queen), uninterrupted downtime with my Kobo, sleeping in and the elusive 'free weekend'. I know, I know. You're thinking: "What? A free weekend? They're a myth." Alas, my friend, they are not a myth. They do truly exist, they just rarely occur. Now I'm about to make you jealous: we have one of these rare and precious weekends in our grasp... and of course I've got a to-do list a mile long which I suppose means it's not such a 'free' weekend as it's just a weekend with no travel or scheduled activities.
Here is what I WANT to do this weekend:
Which is why I love my all-too-rare girls nights with friends (even if it's just grabbing a smoothie at Dairy Queen), uninterrupted downtime with my Kobo, sleeping in and the elusive 'free weekend'. I know, I know. You're thinking: "What? A free weekend? They're a myth." Alas, my friend, they are not a myth. They do truly exist, they just rarely occur. Now I'm about to make you jealous: we have one of these rare and precious weekends in our grasp... and of course I've got a to-do list a mile long which I suppose means it's not such a 'free' weekend as it's just a weekend with no travel or scheduled activities.
Here is what I WANT to do this weekend:
- Take a trip to Home Depot (I love trips to HD but I'm specifically trying to kick Kev's bum into gear as he said he would finish the fireplace as my anniversary present. I'm also on the hunt for magnetic/chalkboard paint which I *think* I saw there once upon a time and I'm told is available in a spray can for easy peasy crafting! I'm also on the hunt for coaster-sized tiles - maybe a slightly damaged box so I can get them cheap!)
White Window Wall Frame, Pier1 Imports |
- Take a trip to Pier1 to pick up a picture frame I fell in love with but intended on making myself. However, when I was browsing the Pier1 website the other day I noticed it's been marked down and I can now justify buying rather than making it! (Although I just realised I saw the US sale price -way better than the Canadian sale price -boo!)
- Hit a garden centre or a local nursery/greenhouse to pick out herbs, rhubarb (if it's still available) annuals, succulents, soil and grass seed. I might make two stops - one being Loblaws or the RCSS because I love the PC gigantico herbs!
- Plant 2 hanging baskets, 3 urns, a succulent centrepiece similar to this (for indoor or out), and my herb box (basil, lavender, chives...)
- Create Kaleb's teacher gift for Mrs. Mac. I showed him some ideas on Pinterest and he selected the monogram crayon art. We have to buy a frame or shadowbox and some crayons. Mommy was leaning towards a gerbera in a nice basket with a cute tag (less work!) but fun won hands-down.
- Weed my perennial bed in the back.
- Weed & edge my front garden.
- Create a website to showcase some of my crafty successes. Hoping to create some custom orders.
- Make some tile coasters. Found the idea on Pinterest. Followed the link to see the tutorial. Love the idea!
- Visit the Farmer's Market. Need fresh produce - specifically strawberries & rhubarb. Maybe we should do pick-your-own instead. Hmmmm...
- Take the boys to see Cars 2. I love Mater. Most of the kids movies I'm rather indifferent about but this one I. Must. See.
- Go yard saling! (that word doesn't look right!) I'm searching for paintables & repurposeables (yes, I made that one up). Frames, furniture, jars, vases, etc. I'm also looking for girl toys. Apparently 4 - 6 year old girls get tired of superheroes and Lego. I'm also peeking around for a mini-trampoline.
- Laundry - my ever-present, never-ending nemesis. I'm good with the washing and drying. I don't believe in folding.
- Create a meal plan. This one will include a strawberry supper - because strawberries are in season and strawberries rock.
- Clean the floors.
- Clean the bathrooms.
- Mow the lawn. (This will most likely be pawned off on Kevin)
- Reorganize the craft room. Again. Because I don't use this room on a daily basis, it seems to be a dropping ground for the-stuff-that-has-no-home. The doors stay closed to this room regularly. It scares me.
- Grocery Shop for above mentioned to-be-created meal plan.
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