Kid-Media from the Veggie Tales Guy

Ok, so if you have young ones running around underfoot and the thought of another half-hour of Dora, Diego or Hannah Montana makes you want to scream, check out this site:

Jelly Telly is a fun kid-friendly media from Phil Vischer, the creator of Veggie Tales.   The site features a free weekly show, some games and you should really check out the "Grown Up" section for interesting facts and background on the Jelly Telly concept.   The clips present educational content and present Bible facts to kids who are exposed to all kinds of media (and I'm NOT saying that media they're exposed to is always bad) - this just provides a Christian alternative.

Apparently, limited clips are also available on YouTube and he's also created some fun DVDs called "What's In The Bible"  featuring "Buck Denver", a character from the Jelly Telly media.    I love this!   You can guarantee that I'll be exposing my monkeys (and probably my nephews) to this wonderful creation.

Ok, so I'm adding a quick edit to say that episodes of "What's In The Bible" and shorts from Jelly Telly can be purchased and downloaded on the What's In The Bible website.   Also, What's In the Bible has a YouTube channel:


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