Lucky Linds Is Loved

I love alliteration (a la the title of this post.)  That's just a side note for free....

You must be pretty lucky - not often you get two posts in a week, let alone in one day!

On the 21st of August, I celebrated my 29th birthday.  Shocked?!?  I know, I don't look a day over 25.  :)  I spent the day packing, cleaning, and driving home from the cottage.  No worries though - I did celebrate!  The 'boys' took me for dinner, informed me while I was doing groceries that I could buy a Kobo eReader (I have mixed feelings about it!) for my birthday and I planned a girls night out with my friends.

Last Wednesday, my friends and I had a lovely dinner at Jack Astors, followed by dessert at Demetres in Whitby.  Let me tell you - spending a night with these hot mommas always makes me laugh and feel loved!  We can complain, joke around, share our stories, our joys, are dramas, our concerns and always end the night feeling better than we started.

As we were celebrating my birthday, I was genuinely spoiled.  Seriously, they go over and above and I felt oh-so loved - I would have been happy with the fine company but no, they bore gifts as well - many a much appreciated gift card included.

Last weekend, I hit Chapters to enjoy the spoils.   Just having got the eReader from Kev & the boys, and also being an ardent patron of the local library system, I didn't want to just load up on paperbacks.  Mom & Dad had the boys, Kev trailed along to bear my purchases and I decided to invest in some crafting inspiration in addition to some cheap reads.

I had an anniversary card to make today and a craftroom filled with supplies (and junk!  Sheesh I need to reorganize again so I can find the floor... and the desk... and the desk chair.)  One of the books that made it home with me after my shopping spree on Saturday was Joy of Card Making,  (Leisure Arts, available at Chapters, $20.46). I basked in perusing it earlier this week and thumbed through this afternoon for inspiration:

This is the layout I opted to follow:

With some variations on the opposing page:

And my final project, a simple anniversary card, blank inside, and a coordinating envelope with scalloped flap:

I'd say I'm having a productive day but as I look at the laundry and other chores to be done, I'm not sure productive is the right word!  I guess I'm chanelling my creative or should-do-something energy into more frivolous pursuits and leaving the mundane for another day.


  1. and why not? My mom always said "the dust will be there another day" (and the laundry and the other mundane tasks)

  2. I agree with Oma :)..enjoy doing what you love to do., and just take each day as it comes.. beautiful card and pages! Love them! by the way I read everytime you post ;)

  3. Love your site....I am now hungry and wishing I did have Jack Astor's and Demetres right now!!! Those are my two favourites. Maybe I can get my crew to take me there for my bday this friday??!!



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