Here Comes The Sun...

I love when the sun comes to spend the day.  It was so gorgeous out there and after a week of gloomy days and cooped up kids, we needed that sunshine just to make us smile.  However, life seems to get in the way of simple pleasures and by the time we jockeyed between swimming lessons, the grocery store, doing laundry and sorting toy boxes, the day seemed to slip away.   Why can't the days of the weekend have an extra couple hours to them?   Oh well, tomorrow's another day and hopefully we can catch some play time and bask in that golden glow!

Here's a little secret:  my baby boy is turning 4 next Saturday!  He's stubborn, he's grumpy, he's devious... He's clever, he's funny, he's ALWAYS hungry... He's all ours and we love him! 


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