The Elusive Free Weekend
I calculated to day that on average, I work 50 hours a week (without breaks - getting to the bathroom without hearing a little voice call my name is a wonder!) I'm not complaining as the decision to provide home daycare has, when everyone is happy and occupied, left me with flexibility to tackle little things around the house (or catch a chapter or two in my current read, waste time online, solve a crossword on my iPhone) but it means by the time my own kids go to bed (14 hours after rising!), I'm exhausted and my house is trashed! (I don't know how teachers survive their days... I'm surrounded with maybe a third of the number of kids they are at my busiest time of day and it's enough to pull my hair out - if the baby hasn't already done it for me!) Which is why I love my all-too-rare girls nights with friends (even if it's just grabbing a smoothie at Dairy Queen), uninterrupted downtime with my Kobo, sleeping in and the elusive 'free weeke...