Summer's End & A Need For Change

I'm finding after a very busy summer and seven years in the same home that I'm craving change!   The small changes come with the stealthy approach of autumn weather, the start of a new school year (with both boys in school at least part of the time!) and little projects around the house.

It's not feeding the need, though - I want bigger, better changes, not just normal routine-of-life-blink-and-you-miss-it change.  I want to move.  Very badly.  Soooooo... we're on the property hunt!  And after walking through one house after another, we've come to the realisation that small budget means it's hard to find everything on our checklist - nevermind the wishlist!   So we keep looking.  No rush.  At least we're headed in that direction.

Anticipating a move also means my daycare days are coming to an end.   I can't say I'll miss it (although I'll miss the somewhat reliable income!)   My families have all been made aware that we're getting antsy and that they'll have to make alternate arrangements.   Move or not, I think it's time to reclaim our space and my boys would enjoy having a mom who's not being pulled in 7 different directions - and honestly, mom would enjoy having energy and patience for the monkeys alone.  The way things are now,  they're both wearing thin.   So we have to come up with another plan to keep me home before and after school while still earning grocery money.   Labels, anyone?

To help simplify life, we've been trying to declutter (oh my gosh, where does all this *stuff* come from?  Seriously?  Does it breed?)  That is a task of monumental proportions.  I have donated bags & boxes to the CDA Clothesline program, we've tagged extra bags for trash, and I've been listing on Kijiji and Freecycle - and yet, there still seems to be no end in sight!  Clutter, clutter, everywhere....

I'm also simplifying our mealtime routine and catering to my boys a little more.   This means my crockpot has been put to good use recently.  For some reason, they love meat done in the crockpot - maybe because it's so tender?   Crockpot meals aren't my favourite, but we pick our battles!   Here is our mealplan with this week - we're aiming for quick and easy to cut down on the chaos with back-to-school.

* Crockpot Stroganoff
* Dinner at the in-laws
* Crockpt meatballs, corn on the cob, noodles  -  we tried the frozen PC BlueMenu Italian Chicken Meatballs last night (because I'm lazy like that!), and they were a surprising success.
* Tonight, pork stirfry on rice
* Crockpot orange beef (I found a recipe on the Disney site) served with more noodles
* Grilled chicken, potatoes, salad
* Some type of tex-mex pasta
* Turkey Shepherds Pie

Last night, I tried to clean up my front perennial bed.  I say tried because I may have gotten a little happy with my pruning shears!   Now I want mums - I love mums!- and some glittery pumpkins and such to put on display.   I love fall and hope this lull in tropical temperatures means it's here to stay!


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