Lucky, Lucky

This week, I've had some crappy days.  Not over-the-top horrible, nothing life threatening or catastrophic.  Just a run of little things to drive me batty or leave me frustrated.  And even though it's been a productive week because of the amount of work I've accomplished, it's been a non-productive week because I've been setting things aside to finish when I'm not ready to just tear it all apart!  So half-accomplished projects, but many on the go...

Earlier in the week, I entered a contest on Facebook.  I have NEVER, EVER won on FB, but figure if I want people to support my small business page, I should do the same.  And in the world of social media, activity is activity is activity, no?

Well.... I WON!!!!  Sarita Baby picked me (randomly) as the winner of their Sock Monkey clutch.  Which is absolutely perfect because I have two little monkeys who will think it's adorable (although they're not so little any more!)

I don't think I'll carry it around on it's own, but it will make a cute little pouch to toss in my bag when I'm on the go.  I'm thinking an activity pouch for the boys.  Some pencils, notepads, small toys, etc. - you know, a boredom bag.  I'm so excited!

And.... this morning, as I begrudgingly stumbled through my chilly house in the dark, mumbling under my breath about silly early start schools, I picked up my phone and absent-mindedly checked my emails.  I skimmed and saw:  "Congrats - you are a First Reads winner!"  as the subject line of a nice little email from Goodreads - super start to my day. 

Again, I've entered a ton of times for First Reads (ARC or for-review copies) on this site, but this is the first time I've won.  I'll be adding a copy of And Then I Found You by Patti Callahan Henry to my bookshelves soon. The title might not be my very first choice of books to win, but it could be a good story and a FREE book is the best book!   If it's a bust, I'll just pass it along. 

In my head all day I've been singing (in my best Franz Ferdinand voice, of course!)

Lucky, lucky, you're so lucky;Lucky, lucky, you're so lucky:Lucky, lucky, you're so lucky:

I can't wait for the day my mailbox yields it's special prizes.  More than makes up for the crappy moments.  Maybe I should buy a lotto ticket!


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